Signing my first signature procedure
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See how the electronic signature works when you are invited to sign a document with Yousign, following a few simple steps.
You will receive an e-mail inviting you to electronically sign documents or it may even be integrated into the apps that our customers use.
However, the signature process will be the same in both cases:
- Invitation to sign electronically
- Read all of the documents that need to be signed
- Text fields' completion
- Click on the Sign or Reject button
- Send and enter the security code on the signature interface
Let’s take a look at the 5 main steps in detail:
Step 1: Invitation to sign electronically
It starts when you receive an email or an invitation to sign (for a third-party app).
When you receive the email, all you need to do is click on the "Access documents" link.
Step 2: Read all of the documents that need to be signed
This second step is very important for the signature. You must read all of the documents that you would like to sign. You will not be able to access the next document or sign without reviewing the whole document.
Step 3: Text fields' completion
When you will read all documents, text fields may be included.
You might have to fill them in order to be able to sign the document
Step 4: Click on the Sign or Reject button
Once you have gone through all of the documents, you will have the opportunity to either "Reject" and mention why you refuse to sign it, or click on "Sign":
Step 5: Send and enter the security code on the signature interface
You may also be asked to confirm your identity by entering a code sent by SMS or email.
All you need to do is enter the code in the signature interface and click on the green "Sign" button to sign all of the documents in one go:
👏 Congratulations, you have just signed your first signature procedure with Yousign!
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